24 July, 2016

Notice to the Muse

24 July 2016

R. Linda:

Just so you won't think you have lost your mind by thinking the featured story is new but so familiar, I thought I'd best let you know I be not giving you the gaslight treatment or letting you think your memory be going on the fritz, or in the case you might get bored if I don't write another story on top of another, I thought to institute a click down memory lane to a prior story you may have forgotten, but will enjoy all over again if anything for the sake of redundancy I be practising the art of laziness. Yeah, I be having a little fun with your diminutive self. So just be aware along with the rest of the clan who reads me silly stories, you have not completely lost your mind yet.

I could have not have told you and let you go on thinking things (or more rightly stories) be getting somewhat fishy and Gabe be up to no good, when in the fairness of all things O'Sully I be recycling.

So there you are, informed.

I will warn you now, I be gong to feature an old goodie every so often for your reading enjoyment or distraction.

Copyright © 2016 All rights reserved


Dew said...

Great idea!

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

For sure!

mobit22 said...

This SHORT person wasn't even aware of this notice! I just happened to be reading some of the older stories as I always do when I don't get EMAIL. With this heat there is shrinkage in height and patience so tread carefully, tall skinny gangly man! LMAO

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

I was wondering when you'd be in to dust the cobwebs LOL

mobit22 said...