03 November, 2016

The New Bobcat In Town

03 November 2016

R. Linda:

OMG -- me cat be gathering fame or infamy across me rural little town that can't even boast a village green. We be that remote! With property spread out and no one close to anyone else, it's a miracle me cat has garnered fame or as the case seems to be, ill-repute throughout the place.

It started two weeks ago when we had a bit of a rainy spate and had two cats who (you will remember) brought a flying squirrel into our basement, where they let it die after probably a good game of You Catch It Then I'll Kill It, But No We Aren't Eating It, It's A Present For Gabe. As I told you, the dead carcass must have been in the basement for a very long time because when we came upon it, it was stiff and very dead. As I further told you, this led to a bad case of fleas in the basement which cost me mucho amounts of money (5 visits) to get the fleas exterminated. Needless to say, both cats were banished to the outside so where they went at night to sleep we did not know. We did take into consideration both of them are badarse felines and very capable of taking care of themselves.

We were more fearful of the coyote pack that had migrated back into our forest getting the cats for a late-night snack. See below:

The bad boys of the backwoods

But the two miscreants had spent the summer carefree outside and now would not come in to save their lives. Well, we crossed our fingers and hoped the coyote pack would soon vacate the premises, but they are still here and so are the cats. They must have found safe places to bunker down be all we can think.

Anyway, two weeks ago it was rainy for a few days and very chilly. I heard a cat scream sometime in the wee hours and did get up and look out the window. It was too dark to see anything and no further sound did I hear.

That morning upon awakening, O'Hare came in crying that Chester (our tiger cat) had his tail in two pieces. You will remember the picture on the blog of Chester's tail being devoid of hair from something getting him? Well, this time he was pretty much devoid of his tail. It had been sliced in two being held on by a blood vessel that we quickly wrapped and hauled his arse to the vets.

There we told our tale of the coyote but the vet said it wasn't a coyote it was chopped not chomped. She said her scenario be what most cats will do and she's seen it before. That would be they crawl up into the engine of a just used car or truck in this case, to keep warm. But someone must have come back out and turned the truck on and the fan cut the tail in half. Gory I know. Come to find the fire chief lives down the way and he said, he thought he saw our car run from his truck that morning he had a fire call. His truck is a 2005 and still has the metal fan in the engine. So there you have it, our Chester be a Bob now.

Chester is none too happy after tail docking

But the story does not end there, no it does not and I wish it did. Yesterday we took Chester AKA Bob to the vet for stitches removal. He's just fine he is and we were told he could resume his outdoor life today. Okay good because he's made life in the house almost intolerable he wants out. This morning he was let out and it wasn't twenty minutes later, that Mam got on her Facebook Page and saw no less than 14 posts WITH pictures of a bobcat seen roaming the neighbourhood. Well, it turns out that was no bobcat that's our Chester. So she laughs thinking it funny until she sees a post that says, "Calvin has got his gun and he's going to hunt that thing." Laughing stopped and her fingers flew to the keyboard to say that was no bobcat just Chester who lost his tail. Well instant posts asking how that happened, but she had no time for that, she asked if anyone knew where Chester was last seen and for heaven's sake alive someone stop Calvin from shooting our cat!

Bob, I mean Chester was last seen three houses away which was over a mile. Mam hopped in her car and drove down to the neighbour's house and they both set to calling and looking for him. No luck. Meanwhile, Calvin is out in the woods hunting OUR CAT which he thinks is a wild bobcat. Mam jumps in her motor and drives home in a right tizzy. And there lounging on the back deck be Chester AKA Bob the terror of the township.

Here he is leaving, he be a big cat.

When the fur grows back he will look like what everyone mistakes him for

When we first moved into the house, the former owner's daughter came by to pick up a box they had forgotten. She told me there was a bobcat kit sitting next to the pond and the picture she showed me was our very own Chester. Well, life will be interesting I surmise, and maybe short for Chester AKA Bob. Mam was busy getting the word out and came to find not 1/2 mile in the other direction there was the real thing taking up residence under someone's front porch. Oi!

I do believe Chester has used up five of his nine lives, so we can only hope he survives the new look.

Copyright © 2016 All rights reserved


mobit22 said...

ROFLMAO Another story from animal planet! Or is it wild kingdom? You didnt have fun but you should have stayed with the beavers! I think the cone of shame is soo cute! LMAO

Tomas said...

Can Chester balance? I heard cats have tails that help their agility. Feel bad for the old boy, but he does look rather like he means business in that last photograph.